Seaside House
On a gentle slope facing the sea, is located the site of long-stay hotels.
A place where the sea spreads before eyes and it is famous for its extremely beautiful sunset. In such a site, the main theme was how to make the architecture open to outside.
By arranging the square guest rooms of 5.75*5.75 m2 in zigzag order, while adapting them with the shape of the site, it becomes possible to keep the view to the sea from each room.
The outside deck connects the guest rooms on the first floor, creating a space for different activities to enjoy the sea. Huge windows are designed on the second and third floors, making a connection between rooms and surrounding environment, specially the sea.
This hotel, the Sea House, is first defined by its close connection with the sea.
Seaside House
Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop
structural eng.
Structural Design Plus one
structural mech.
Sogo Consultants
Site area
1847.63 ㎡
Building area
356.13 ㎡
Floor area
1837.13 ㎡